IDENTIFICATION Product name: Langridge Handmade Oil Colour Product SKU Product Name 0816 Arylide Lemon 0818 Arylide Yellow 0862 Brilliant Green 0860 Brilliant Magenta 0879 Brilliant Pink 0823 Burnt Sienna 0825 Burnt Umber 0826 Caput Mortuum 0803 Carbon Black 0814 Chromium Oxide Green 0884 Cold Brown Oxide 0892 Dioxazine Violet 0877 Gold Oxide 0865 Green Gold 0869 Manganese Violet 0804 Mars Black 0834 Mars Brown 0827 Mars Orange 0807 Naphthol Red 0870 Nickel Azo Red Gold 0851 Nickel Azo Yellow 0855 Paynes Grey 0859 Perylene Crimson 0811 Phthalo Blue 0815 Phthalo Green LANGRIDGE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HANDMADE OIL COLOUR: NON HAZARDOUS 1Ģ See detailed list at INGREDIENTS. The information relates only to the specific product designated and may not be valid for the product if used in combination with any other product or any processes other than those specified in the text. The information contained within is correct to the best of this company s knowledge at the date of publication. Victoria Australia Other Information: Since the specific conditions of use of the product are outside the control of the supplier, the user is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of relevant legislation are complied with.

Address: Factory 23, 155 Hyde Street, Yarraville. 1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Not classified as hazardous according to criteria of Workplace Australia Date of issue February 2015 COMPANY DETAILS Company name: Langridge Artist Colours Pty.